====== Michael's test page and development page ======
This is a defacto admin and design page of sorts.
__ * create name spaces to match wikiful link structure__
[[projects_in_the_air:collaboration_with_hpi_at_potsdam_uni:|Collaboration with HPI at Potsdam Uni]]
[[projects_in_the_air:notes_and_knowledge_management_again:| Notes and Knowledge Management]]
42d:projects_in_the_air:what is ar vr good for anyways:
[[wiki42d:sw:| Namespace for Software Installed]]
__ *Create page names into correct name spaces__
[[projects_in_the_air:who_is_working_on_42d_related_projects|Who is working on 42d related projects]]
====== Test for plantumlparser Plugin ======
Date 12/30/2021
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
===== Test Draw.io Plugin =====
testing as the user will
=== Test 1/7/2022 ===
Applied Ubuntu 20.10 updates
[[wiki:playground:qatest_jan_7| qa test jan 8]]
[[wiki:playground:qatest_jan_7| test link creation on Jan 20 2022 after reboot]]
[[wiki:playground:qatest_apr_9_2022| test link creation on April 392022 no reboot but patches applied]]
[[wiki:playground:qatest_jan_7| test link creation on May 22 2022 after reboot]]
[[wiki:playground:qatest_aug_13| test link creation Aug 13 to confirm dokuwiki after attempted upgrade from 21.10 to 22.04 which is currently failing. argh]]